Evening Birthday Party, April 26:
I can’t always assume I know what I am walking into. Margaret was turning 92 and her son was throwing a party for her. He hired me because…well…you know…you never know how many more birthdays one will have past 92. And, a lot of the family was supposed to be there.
When I walked in, it was only Margaret and her nurse. I introduced myself to her and wished her a “Happy Birthday.” She told me that she didn’t want a party and asked her nurse to take her to her room; I never saw her again that evening. Only 5 family/friends came. We think Margaret may have gotten the guest list and called them all to tell them not to come. Her 2 nurses plus their families were there. So…what do you do when life throws you lemons? Of course, we made lemonade!! I’m sorry Margaret wouldn’t participate. Maybe 93 will be better.
Heather Photographers
1st Photographer: Heather M.
Location: Private Home, Canton, GA